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I've been a priest now for over 20 years. When you consider I was pursuing that call one way or another for many years before that, this is probably the oldest and deepest call on my life.

Being a priest has it's days, to be sure, but overall it is a grand adventure that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

Probably the most important work in this life is my marriage, also of over 20 years ('86 was a big year). My wife has helped me see and share Jesus more than anyone else.

I always thought having kids would be great, but I have been surpised by the enormity of the joy that comes from knowing my two girls.

The greatest privilege I have been given is to be called "friend", and I am so thankful to have some of the best friends in the world (including my brother). The love of friends is such an incredible gift, and I can't imagine life without it.
