Dear Friends,
It’s Friday morning, 6AM. Like every Friday morning, the Friday Flash is sent.
But unlike every other Friday, a snow storm of epic proportions is predicted to begin today. Already words like “historic,” “colossal,” and “monster” are being used to describe it. Will it live up to its hype? We’ll soon find out.
At this point, we think it prudent to cancel the Saturday night service and reschedule the Annual Meeting to February 7. Oh, and did I mention we’ve also scheduled the 2016 CHILI COOK-OFF on that day as well? You will know doubt want to put that on your calendar right now.
But back to this weekend. At 5PM on Saturday, a decision regarding Sunday services will be posted to our website and Facebook page. If we can hold services (or even just a single service at 11AM) without compromising people’s safety, we will do so. But in that case, we will also stream the service for those who do not in any way feel comfortable venturing forth.
In my experience, challenging circumstances bring out the best in churches. That has certainly always been the case at St. Matt, and you can be sure we’ll be out in the community, helping where help is needed. Your staff has developed an extensive list of people who live alone or who otherwise may need a hand, and we’ll be calling them on Saturday night. Based on what we learn from those calls, teams will be going forth as soon as possible to dig people out who would otherwise be stranded. If you can think of any one in particular you’d like us to call, please email Miriam at [email protected].
Please do remember those who live alone. Events like this can be isolating, and hence very scary.
For those fortunate enough to have loved ones around, make the most of what will no doubt be a chance to create memories that will perhaps never be forgotten. Some of my best memories, both from childhood and from my own family, were shaped in snowstorms. Don’t fight the opportunity to slow down and simply enjoy being together.
May God keep all of you safe and warm, Rob+