Even if they have kept the faith. Even if they have fought the good fight. Even if they have lived a good life and left a legacy much cherished... The holidays are a particularly tough time for those who have lost somebody dear to them.
Or are in the process of doing so...
So it is that we ended up in a hangar at Leesburg Airport at o' dark thirty on Friday morning. With single digit temperatures, the first order of the day was to warm up the plane's engine so we could get the prop going.
Not too much longer after that we were in the air, flying over the mountains. Our passenger slept.
The ski slopes do have snow, and there were people skiing below. The incongruence between those who are enjoying life as normal, and those who are not, is always startling to me.
The mountains pulled the clouds down, the heavens giving evidence of unrest.
We arrived at safely at our destination, and then later, safely home. Our passenger had a good visit.
I share this only to say how much we need other. Really, it's the only way any of us get through. And even if we are in one of those rare and beautiful moments in life that bring so much joy that they inoculate us from any sense of need, there is someone who needs us.
Whoever your people are, whatever your tribe, gather with them this holiday season. Even if you've been away for a very long time, there has never been a better occasion to come home.